No. 11 – INTERVIEW mit ADNANE ADDIOUI (5.04.2013)

von Deutsch in Marokko - Allemand au Maroc - أَلْمانِيّ فِي المَغْرِب


Deutsch in Marokko – Allemand au Maroc – أَلْمانِيّ فِي المَغْرِب :
Salamaleykoum und Hallo everybody. We´ll have an interview with the very inspiring Moroccan social activist, Adnane Addioui عدنان عديوي (Official)!
As it is one of the goals of „Deutsch in Marokko – Allemand au Maroc – أَلْمانِيّ فِي „المَغْرِب, to create intercultural moments between Morocco and Germany, I am proud to have you here today. Thank you for joining us, Adnane.

Adnane Addioui:
Alaaykyyum Salaam, Thanks for having me Danke Schon!

Deutsch in Marokko – Allemand au Maroc – أَلْمانِيّ فِي المَغْرِب :
Please can you introduce yourself and tell us, if there ever was any germano-moroccan moment included in your life ??

Adnane Addioui:
Well, I always find it diffuclt to „introduce myself“ what I can say is that I am passionate about people and system change… we need a fair world. I had the chance to participate in a study visit in Bonn and I learned a lot from it.

Deutsch in Marokko – Allemand au Maroc – أَلْمانِيّ فِي المَغْرِب :
So, let´s talk about Morocco. On the international level Morocco is mostly considered as a captivating country for tourists and travelers or also as a demanded place to invest for foreign industries, because of Morocco´s proximity to Europe. On the other hand Morocco is known as a land of underdevelopment, high rate of illiteracy and unemployment. How do YOU regard Morocco?

Adnane Addioui:
These contrasts are very challenging, very few people take these both „elements“ and think about them at the same time. I find it very „difficult“ to find a rationale of the „official“ 48% illetracy rate.. in the 21st century, it’s not about only how to read and write. Also the latest UNDP’s report on Human Development where Morocco rankes 130 out of 178.. I think we need to raise tough questions and learn from our experiences. It’s not about „wecoming“ tourists who would spend 200 Euros for a weekend in Marrakesh of Foreign Investment who would rappatriate the earnings and leave the country empty…

Deutsch in Marokko – Allemand au Maroc – أَلْمانِيّ فِي المَغْرِب :
The whole MENA region is in a time of change. Where do you rank Morocco, compared to his neighbouring countries and what are its main challenges in terms of social development?

Adnane Addioui:
To link both questions, the „uprisings“ were a consequence of the same „demands“ “ Dignity,Justice,Freedom“. Of course countries are not the same as in the pace of reforms. Morocco, is quite different than Tunisia or even Libya.
The challenges are also different. For me it’s not about „reforms“ at the policy level that are needed but a global „shift“ in our culture. We need to move from being „passive“ to step in and take responsability of our futures.
the challenges are as wide as the sea and also the opportunities, we can start from the Education Policy that need so enable critical thinking, entrepreneurship and scientific research, to Healthcare systems that are affordable and self-dependent, Internal Security,Transportation,Business framework…

Deutsch in Marokko – Allemand au Maroc – أَلْمانِيّ فِي المَغْرِب :
A study, published in February 2013 conducted by the Moroccan Migration Research Association revealed, that 42% of Moroccans would like to live abroad. Please tell us your most important reasons, why Moroccans should fulfill their “Moroccan Dream” and see more opportunities in the development of their country, instead of leaving.

Adnane Addioui:
Well.. there is the general „Syndrom“ of the „grass is greener elsewhere“. when citizens don’t find the basic needs they would expect, they want to have it elsewhere. there is no sense of ownership, the danger of this situation is when „patriotism“ or „nationalism“ is linked to sports eg : national football team, or music.. a part from this you rarely feel this bond together. this is a result of the actualy „Cultural System“ that does not promote the sense of responsability and activism. We live in what we call a Post-colonial nation state that is offering subsidies to its people and maintain the status-quo this creates the „Etat de dependence et Economie d’assistanat“.

Deutsch in Marokko – Allemand au Maroc – أَلْمانِيّ فِي المَغْرِب :
So how can a single citizen bring change for the development of the whole country?

Adnane Addioui:
I believe that individuals can and have to do it. The task is not simple but it’s pretty straight forward. Each one of us has to find the challenges that their community faces and finds innovative solutions that can create a sustainable models. this is what we do at the Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship – Moroccan CISE.
We need to develop new ways of thinking and new approaches to tackle social challenges. Approaches of the past are not useful for today.

Deutsch in Marokko – Allemand au Maroc – أَلْمانِيّ فِي المَغْرِب :
So how can one participate or meet you apart from Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship – Moroccan CISE.. And how can Moroccans, living in Germany follow your actions and get involved?

Adnane Addioui:
The best way is through our facebook page Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship – Moroccan CISE or via our website ( it’s in french) . For residents in Morocco we are launching a series of projects from May 2013 Insh’Allah to map best practices in terms of social innovation and raise awareness about the importance of social enterprise. for People abroad, we welcome any expertise,networks and partnerships that can support us to work for a better morocco and thus a better world.

Deutsch in Marokko – Allemand au Maroc – أَلْمانِيّ فِي المَغْرِب:
Wow, Adnane Addioui. Facebook gave us a hard time by mixing up all our questions and answers. We will bring the puzzle together, so that everybody will be able to understand our interview, inshaALLAH. Thank you so much for joining us tonight. „Deutsch in Marokko – Allemand au Maroc – أَلْمانِيّ فِي المَغْرِب “ wishes the team of „Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship – Moroccan CISE“ and you the very best. And we can only invite everybody to be part of it! THANX and Good night! Wasalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam.

Adnane Addioui:
Thank you for giving me the opportunity Guten Nacht. Alaykum Salaaam.