DENKFABRIK Morocco – Linguistic education in Morocco

von Deutsch in Marokko - Allemand au Maroc - أَلْمانِيّ فِي المَغْرِب

Languages and their sociopolitical and socio-cultural significance

Authors: Mohamed Lakhal and Hamdi Echkaou

Morocco is known by its cultural as well as linguistic diversity which makes of it an added value for the country. At the heart of this issue is the identity question which arises out of the linguistic teaching policy in the different territorial zones of the country. In other words, native languages/ dialects like Tamazight or Berber on one hand, as well as Moroccan Arabic on the other hand embody the attachment to the land. Standard Arabic refers to the religious heritage whereas French, English, German and Spanish symbolize the pillars of modernity that the education decision makers opted for with an aim of progress at the level of economy and industry.

With the new constitution of 2011, recognizing and institutionalizing the Amazigh language characterizes a cultural revolution. Implicitly this question is of political and cultural backgrounds that are used to be dominated by the political elites and now it insists on its intercultural aspect which will inspire committed youths.

The keyword Diversity is a new word in the political sphere that arises after the uprisings. Both diversity and plurality are put besides unity as the aim of all is the spread of the interactivity spirit and values of openness, moderation and tolerance as well as the consideration of human rights.

However, the issue of linguistic education impacts a country like Morocco endowed with multiple ethnic and sub-cultural constituencies and having undergone various modernizing transitions also going through post colonial era. Here below are some drawbacks that the issue raises in relation with the education system:

  • Paradoxical implementation of languages used for learning in both primary, secondary levels (Arabic) and the shift at the university levels (French).
  • Lack and difficulty in using ICTs especially at the far-fetched areas.
  • Insufficient methodological and pedagogical training.

Below are included some propositions that we believe can be of great importance in improving the linguistic education system in Morocco:

  • Renewing teaching approaches and methods at the primary, secondary levels, taking into consideration all the students competencies.
  • Providing audiovisual and digital resources for teaching languages.
  • Reinforcing professional expertise in teaching foreign languages.
  • Establishing linguistic proficiency for students by organizing examination frequently.
  • Producing high level teaching corps.
  • Creating necessary infrastructure.
  • Encouraging practical subjects and practical spirit as an addition to theoretical aspects.
  • Developing creativity, experimentation, and exchange as well as independent spirit since the first levels.
  • Empowering the levels of language, Non-verbal communication and the appearances of students before their integration in the professional sectors.
  • Providing courses of more practical approach and less theoretical so to increase more understandings for the professional assets.
  • Evaluating the quality of professors teaching methods and their certificates before their integration in the field of work.
  • Caring more about the living conditions of the students at the dormitories (food, libraries.. etc)
  •  Adopting one specific language at all levels so to avoid the switching in languages that disappoint and weaken the level of involvement among many students.
  • Opting for the choice of learning foreign languages at the secondary levels should be the students decision and not anyone elses.

Finally, it is important not to neglect that several exploitations are offered thanks to this linguistic asset in the country. To mention some there is this widening of the sphere of mobility that results huge intercultural exchange all over the world. In addition as a result of mastering different languages that most Moroccans are good at, lots of opportunities are opened up for workers and young researchers.